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Introducing Math Shelf's Fish Tank

FT1Along with preparing students to be successful in academics, Math Shelf recognizes the importance of developing young children's sense of responsibility and capacity to provide care for living things.  Great early education teachers assign students many "care" roles within their classrooms like: watering class plants, feeding class pets, and serving classmates at snack time.   

When you visit early education classrooms you will likely see the delight on young children's faces when they have the responsibility to perform these "caring"acts.FT2

To foster the spirit of responsibility and care, Math Shelf created a virtual fish tank.  Each time a student masters new math skills and knowledge their fish tank will appear, and acts of care will ensue.

Teachers will see students' excitement when they feed their fish, clean their tank, care for a sick fish, give their fish a nap, change the water to keep fish healthy, and many more responsibilities.

FT6The Math Shelf Fish tank will also help to motivate young learners persist when learning new math concepts.

We are excited to hear what you and your students think about Math Shelf's fish tank.  Please email us

Finally, we'd also like to thank Cheri Doria, Director of Lindsay Early Education, for giving us the idea to integrate a Fish Tank into Math Shelf.