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Report Cards That Encourage Family Engagement
Teachers can email parents Math Shelf Report Cards by visiting www.mathshelf.com/dashboard and selecting the Parents link. Report cards measure children's math knowledge in the Fall, Winter & Spring for PreK and Kindergarten.
PreK Math Shelf Report Card
The image below shows a PreK student, Freddy Calderon's Spring Math Shelf Report Card. Fredy receives a rating from 1 to 3 on five key math areas. Freddy meets standards for Pre-Math Skills, Numbers to 10, Shapes & Spatial Relationships, and Measurement. He is approaching standard in Operations. Freddy needs some practice adding and subtracting, comparing numbers, and learning combinations of numbers that make 10. Notice that on Freddy's Report Card are blue links to lessons under the Operations and Challenging Math Lessons sections. By clicking the lesson links, Freddy's parents can work with him on these math skills. Below are images from lessons Freddy's parents can teach him at home.
Kindergarten Math Shelf Report Card
The Kindergarten Math Shelf Report Card measures more advanced math standards. Below is student Daniel Martinez's Spring Math Shelf Report Card. Daniel meets standard for Geometry, Measurement and Operations. He is approaching standard in Counting & Cardinality and Numbers in Base 10. Daniel needs practice counting to 100, understanding the number sequence to 100, and comparing numbers. He also needs to work on representing numbers using tens and units.

Daniel's Report Card includes links to lessons under the Counting & Cardinality and Numbers in Base 10 sections. By clicking the lesson links, Daniels's parents can work with him on these math skills at home.
Encouraging parents to be involved in their child's math education is important, but informing parents how their children are achieving and providing specific activities to improve their children's learning will help eliminate early math achievement gaps.